Sunday, May 13, 2012 » 1:45 AM » 1Comment(s)
Assalamua'laikum. The clock shows 1:18 am here, so it's officially Mother's Day here as today is the second Sunday of May.
I know you guys predicted that I'm going to write about my mom and I, how special she is to our family, how good cooking skills she got, how she love our family and stuffs and bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.That's IF I HAVE A MOM, of course I'll write like that. I'm kidding. Of course I have one. She's coming in my bedroom and stalking me if I go to porn site. Again, I'm kidding. I'm 18 and I know how to take care of my eyes and my behaviour.
Mother on
But, today is a really special to her. Because she could celebrate both her birthday and Mother's Day at the same time. She's 43. Last year, she's keep on complaining bout her body was overweight, how bad was her cellulite, was she fat and loads more!! Then, with my aunt's suggestion to go for a aerobic class every Tuesday and Thursday, she got her body back. At least she can wear her favourite jeans back. I'm happy for her.
*this is one is mine. it took bout 3 hours minutes to do it*
I guess that's for now. I got to go. I have to send a happy birthday and happy mother's day tweet to my mom. And say it out loud in front of her. :) Happy Mother's day.
All pics are stolen taken from Tumblr except for the one I draw
Labels: Family, Life, My Life Me

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