Friday, March 11, 2011 » 7:22 AM » 0Comment(s)
Yesterday, I read an Islamic magazine and there's an article about this doctor's second child was mad at her because she scold her at dining room and the child quiet and went up stairs..and the next morning after, her child gave her a letter written she promised to her mother that she won't do it again. Mother accept her apology and everything is fine TILL...the doc heard her said to their maid that her mother didn't read the back page of the letter.She quickly look for the letter that her child throw after last night conversation and she's written that she wants to suicide. She told this to her husband and he just said it's was only her imagination.She knew there was something distinct about her second child.
She examine her date of birth and doing some research about it. Shockingly her attempt of suicide is more than 90%.If she wasn't a Muslim she will suicide. She talked this to her husband and he belives it.
But on my opinion,this is not a horoscope kind of matter..well it is similar but it's just for to know what type of person we were.Some people said that this knowledge is worthless but i might want to try it someday :)
Labels: Environment, Hobby, Islam, My Life Me, Numerology

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